Donna Maya: Lost Spaces -> Detroit
Release date: 11. September 2020

Artist: Donna Maya
Album titel: Lost Spaces→Detroit
Genre: Urban Experimental Electronics, Underground Techno
Catalog no.: SOUNDSISTER01
Formt: Vinyl 1 LP, digital download
Album artwork: Céline Haacke, Michel Löwenherz, Hamburg
Mastering: Enrico Mercaldi, Time Tools Studios, Hannover
Distribution: wordandsound (WAS)
EAN (vinyl): 4251804120371
EAN (digital): 4251804105903
„Lost Spaces -> Detroit“ is Donna Mayas first solo album. It is a result of her visit to Detroit three years ago. Disturbed by, as well as fascinated from the dystopian state of Detroit she recorded many places that made (industrial) history, including the Ford factory, the world’s tallest, now abandoned central station and the once magnificent Michigan Theater, that was brutally converted into a parking garage. Deeply impressed by it Donna Maya transformed the sound recordings into dense, artificial sound sculptures combined with electronic beats. Every track is dedicated to one of those places and makes it musically alive. With her theremin, the first electronic instrument and the only one, that is played without touching it, Donna Maya guides the listener deeply inside into a pure urban electronics experience.
Donna Maya understands Detroit as a perfect example for what capitalism does to a social environment when cultural values where given up. The nine compositons are about how to handle crises, how individuals get along with it and the relationship of society to its culture. With „Lost Spaces → Detroit“ Donna Maya draws a musical picture of how she experienced Detroit.